tsimtung.com 尖東網絡
Check Domain
Hotline: (852) 27855838
Sign up now!
Contact us / Leave a message
Email: info@tsimtung.com
Paypal ID: support@tsimtung.com
Server Settings
Server Settings
Domain Name Server (DNS) ns1.klnhk.com (Primary)
ns2.klnhk.com (Secondary)
POP3 Account/Username yourname@yourdomain.com
E-mail Address yourname@yourdomain.com
Incoming Mail Server (POP3) pop3.yourdomain.com OR mail.yourdomain.com
Outgoing Mail Server Pls use your dial-up or board-band ISP's SMTP server
*** If your ISP is i-cable, then your SMTP should be smtp.i-cable.com
*** If your ISP is IMS, then your SMTP should be mail.netvigator.com
Control Panel(change password,manage your site)

We have different control panels:
1. http://www.yourdomain.com:2222/

2. http://mail.yourdomain.com/

If still not found, pls contact us services@tsimtung.com.

FTP Server ftp.yourdomain.com
Email Admin Manager

1. http://www.yourdomain.com:2222


Webmail http://mail.yourdomain.com/webmail/ OR http://mail.yourdomain.com

Apply Now Should you have any questions, please call us at: 27855838, 27855839, 27855843 or send us an email: info@tsimtung.com
