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Email Admin Manager/Control Panel

Step1: Go to http://mail.yourdomain.com:2222

For old system, please go to http://mail.yourdomain.com/

Choose E-Mail Administration Manager, please input your
Administrator(postmaster account) information to login.

Master Account: postermaster
Domain Name: your_domain.com
Password: your_password

(All POP3 accounts can login this Email Admin Manager to change password or other functions too.)


Step2: If all the information are correct, then you will login into the Mail Administration page.


Step3: Click on "New Pop Accounts" to create a new POP3 E-mail accounts.

POP Account: your_pop_name
Password: your_passoword
Realname: your_name


Step4: Click on "New Alias" too add your Alias account.

Pop Account: Choose your POP account which you want to create the alias.
Alias: enter your alias_name


Step5: Click on "POP Accounts" to do modifications on your pop accounts.

You can change the password, delete the pop accounts. or set which pop account will be the Catch ALL account.

* Catch All Account: It means that the account will be responsible to recieve all e-mails wrongly send to your domain name. Ex.If somebody sent a e-mail to 123456@yourdomain.com, but you don't have such pop account, then the "Catch All Account" will recieve it.


Step6: Once you have done all setting, you can click on LogOut to exsit the system.


Apply Now Should you have any questions, please call us at: 27855838, 27855839, 27855843 or send us an email: info@tsimtung.com
